Teaching Writing Skill

kali ini tips buat para calon guru nih.... saat ngajar writing biasanya kita menghadapi anak anak yang kurang kooperatif dalam mengerjakan task nya ,,,,terutama para young learners. berikut beberapa tips ni.. 

Teach letters. 

Teaching the fundamentals of letters (what a letter is, what each letter is called, and how it sounds) is where you should begin if you want to teach literacy effectively. Regardless of age level or language, literacy must begin with an understanding of letters. If you are teaching a language with a non-roman alphabet, the same principle applies: teach the characters first.
  • Teach your students how to recognize the different shapes of the letters. They will need to be able to easily differentiate between letter which look the same or letters which sound the same.
  • Size variation is an important part of learning to write letters. Teach your students about capital letters and lowercase letters and when to use them. If teaching a non-roman alphabet, this will be less of a problem.
  • Directionality is another important skill. Your students will need to know what direction letters face and how to properly place them next to each other. For roman lettering, this will be right to left and horizontal. For other languages it can also be left to right or vertical, depending on the region.
  • Spacing is an important skill as well. Teach your students how to place space in between words, sentences, paragraphs, etc.

Teach phonics. 

Phonics is all about learning what sound letters make, how to identify those sounds, and how to work with them. Developing your students’ understanding of phonics will be key to teaching them to read and write.
  • Teach your students to hear. They need to be able to listen to speech and recognize that those words are composed of individual sounds.
  • Once they grasp the concept of those sounds, teach them to identify the sounds. For example, your students will need to be able to hear an “aaaaahhhh” sound and know that it is written with an “a”.
  • Once they are comfortable identifying sounds, you will also need to teach them how to manipulate sounds within words. They should be able to recognize when words rhyme or when one word out of a set begins or ends with a different sound than the others. They should be able to think of their own examples as well.
  • Teach compound sounds as well. You will need to explain that when certain letters appear together, it changes how they sound. For example, in English the “th” or “sh”, in Spanish the “ll”, and in German the “ch” or “eu”.

Teach the forming of words. 

 Once your students have a solid grasp on letters and their associated sounds, you can move on to using those letters and sounds to form words. Read to them frequently at this stage, as well as writing lots of examples for them to look at. This will give them opportunities to see how words are formed.An important part of teaching word formation is teaching your students the difference between vowels and consonants. Teach them which letters are which and explain the necessity of vowels within a word. Teach the basic principles regarding where in a word vowels can go. For example, it is very rare for the only vowel in a word to go at the very end of the word but quite common to have the second letter or sound of a word be a vowel. 

Understand sentence structure. 

You students will need to learn and understand sentence structure once they have mastered forming words. Sentence structure is the order in which words or parts of speech go, the sequences in which they are used. Understanding sentence structure will be necessary if they are to form written sentences which sound correct. Often people will have difficulty writing naturally like this, even if they speak correctly.
  • Your students should learn how to identify nouns. Teach them what a noun is and where it usually goes in a sentence. The easiest way to explain it will likely be the tried-and-true “person, place, thing or idea”.
  • Your students will need to be able to identify verbs, too. Teach them about “action words” and give them lots of examples. You can have them act out different verbs in order to solidify the concept in their mind. Explain where verbs go in a sentence.
  • Your students will need to be able to identify adjectives as well. Explain that adjectives describe other words. Teach them where these words go in a sentence and how they attach to other words.
selamat mencoba :) 


ini puisi gue untuk ibu gue.... monggo di cek... 
It's hard for me to say.
It's hard to tell them I..
It's hard for me to draw like what you
But for me ...
You are the beautiful flowers in the garden of my heart
So beautiful you beyond anything that is in the visible on the world...
You have the power and the encouragement of my life ...
Your love is sincere and enduring timeless by the time...

Thank you for everything ...
My prayers in my every day for you MOM...
I love you more mother.. :*

difference between an essay and article

beberapa dari kalian pernah ga si ngalamin yang namany galau buat bedain mana yang essay dan mana yang article ???

kalau jawaban kalian "iya" berarti kita sama :D

Well sekarang kita sekarang coba belajar bareng ya gais. 

Articles tend to be research pieces analyzing a problem and suggesting a solution.  Such analysis usually articulates some background information to inform the reader, before turning to a novel argument.  Along these lines, published articles regularly follow a traditional roadmap of introduction, background, analysis/argument, and conclusion, and provide a comprehensive treatment of a particular area of law.  Articles tend to be formal in both the author’s tone and in the obligation to ground information and analysis in comprehensive substantive support via consistent citation.
The primary purpose of essays is not to conduct new legal research but to advance an idea, summarize a development, or initiate or engage in discussion.  The topics, approaches, and insights are more diverse, and the author is freer to inject personality or voice into the piece.

Jadi gais,yang namanya artikel itu biasanya diikuti pendapat para ahli sesuai dengan penelitian. selain itu artikel dikemas dalam bentuk paragraf panjang.
untuk lebih jelasnya kalian bisa perhatikan contoh berikut : 

How to Solve Eating Difficulty in Children?

Eating difficulty is an issue that is so fundamental and often case to children. Sometimes, when a child is so difficult to chew food invited to make us frustrated. Since then, usually we will try a variety of ways like providing herbal appetite enhancers and hunting child’s favorite foods every day. The matters the child eating disorder also intrigued our interest to make an article about tips to overcome the difficult child to eat. Here are the details.
Serve meals with small portions

Maybe the kid does not like the size of your portions that so reluctant to eat the food there. Many children are ilfeel after seeing a sizable portion. So, try to give a little so that they can eat faster and do not get bored in spend food.

Get together with family

Do not let children eat alone and we need to create an atmosphere of togetherness when the child was time to eat. For example, you and your husband are on the table then eat foods together. With the atmosphere of togetherness, then the child’s appetite will occur slowly.

Provide healthy snacks

One of the things that concern by parents is the development of the child if he did not want to eat. Of course, when children are fussy eaters then its growth will be stunted and not as friends. One of the best ways to keep it is to try to give nutritional healthy snack. Give interesting snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, and nutritious bread.

Variety of food and a nice appearance

Perhaps, he needs a variety of foods that your appetite he has incurred. For example, you could give spinach on the first day, broccoli on the second day, and chicken-based dishes in the next day. Variety of foods is a very important thing to prevent children from boredom and the desire not to eat.

However, there is one more thing that could trigger a child’s appetite, which is an interesting food dish. For example, you can cook carrots to form a star or a unique object. Children will be attracted by the shape and believed to increase appetite. Hopefully, some difficulty eating kids tips above can help you

 while essay sometimes it's a someone's opinion about certain issues. read the following description ;) 


An essay is a formal writing sample of a given topic composed of multiple paragraphs.  The largest difference between the two types of writing is that the essay usually involves more preparation work.  Traditional essays involve five paragraphs, in which the first serves as an introduction and includes a thesis statement- a critical idea that defines the purpose of the paper.  The subsequent paragraphs develop and explore the thesis through the use of evidence and analysis in its explanation . The concluding paragraph summarizes the findings that have been presented in the essay and has proven the thesis statement in a lucid and reasonable manner.  There will be disagreements on the outline of it, but traditionally this is how an essay breaks down.

contoh essay :

Importance of Education in the Modern World

           Education is an important tool that is applied in the contemporary world to succeed, as it mitigates the challenges which are faced in life. The knowledge gained through education enables individuals’ potential to be optimally utilized owing to training of the human mind. This opens doors of opportunities enables individual to achieve better prospects in career growth.  Education has played a paramount role in the modern industrial world. This is attributed to the fact prospective employees must be qualified adequately to perform various tasks effectively. Industries entail resources that are sufficiently equipped with the modern technology to suit the needs and wants of the society. This thus, makes education to become a norm for services in all industrial sectors. The primary skills and the ability to apply the skills is the basis for evaluating the market.
         The foundation of the society is based on education since it brings economic and social prosperity. Gaining education enhances an individual to live a respectful life in the society. This is because education offers a setting in which culture and values of a society are developed. In this respect, education in modern society provides a forum where the society examines its issues and identifies solutions. The advancement of a society both economically and socially is by gaining education which consequently enables them to run a modern society.
         Career wise, education is the foundation of developing individuals by providing knowledge regarding humanity the worldover. Individuals in the society acquire new approaches in life that build opinions on the economical and social life. Education enables the society to interpret the world around them rightly, innovating to new ways and means that conform to their environment.
The current advancement in technology has been enhanced largely by education, as individuals are able to apply the skills acquired in real life leading to innovations. Employment in the contemporary world is based on education, as employees must possess the required skills that correspond with the current technology to perform their tasks. Prospective employees must be equipped with skill for them to cope with ever advancing technology in all industrial and agricultural sectors. Therefore, education has become a basic principle to measure the labor market on the basis of essential skills and the ability to appropriate them through suitable communication.
          Education has played a major role in the modern life to all individuals in the society. It has enabled societies to prosper both socially and economically by enabling them to develop common culture and values. It is through education that Technological advancement has been realized enabling communication and production of cost effective products and services to the society at large.

Writing Opinion Paragraph

gais...malem... dari pada geje an mending belajar ;) 

cie~~~~ kayak anak rajin ya bahasaku.... 

well kali ini aku mau share opinion paragraph nuy..... 

udah pernah bikin belum ???? 

jadi gaiiss, opinion paragraf tu semacam dua argument yang dijadikan dalam satu paragraf. so.... pastiin conjunction kalian udah tepat ya gaiss biar gak bikin pusing pembaca..hehehe

kali ini aku akan kasih salah satu contoh,perhatikan setiap kalimat dengan warna berbeda. 

check this out !!

Is Part Time Job Good for Students?

Take a part time job beside study at school can be rewarding experience if we look forward to our future,but it will be wise if we consider whether or not  we take a part time job because there are many thing that will be influenced. Several people talk about the negative impact of taking part time job and attending school. Mostly, it will be quite difficult for students because we only have a little time in order to do our school’s duties. Consequently, many students who work part time fail to perform at their best both on schoolwork and on examinations. Furthermore, part time job can contaminate our spare time and of course limit their social life. They even don’t have much time to relax and socialize with their families, friend or even only  for have a trip refresh their mind. Moreover, students may get exhausted in order to defend both of their school and their job. It can be serious problem for their health because it leads students become stress when there is clash of  schedule. On the contrary, people argue the positive impact of part time job for students. They state that  a part time job is very useful for students because it  helps students have a sense of independence when  they can pay their dialy need. They also can help their parents in order to decrease their  insurance .  Working also can be worthy experience if  when they are able to balance both employment and their study. Students can derive a great deal more than money, means that they will have a chance to be much better person such as discipline and responsible. Moreover , by having part time job, they can develope their skill if they have a job that having correlation with their degree of study. For example student of English Department take a part time job as tutor in English course institute.  In conclusion, taking a part time job beside attending school  or college is very exhausting, we have to convince that we can do both as well as possible and have a talk with our teacher or our lecturer if  we decide to take a part time job for setting the schedule.

(Marge Eberts, Ed.S.) The first advantage is that students can earn money. Taking a part-time job,in this point,students can pay a part of their living cost,and at the same time relieve their parents`  burden.
(Peggy Gisler ) It is the lack of time for focus on studies. There is a high possibility that students will have trouble finding time to study. As a result,they get exhausted, and even skip classes to have a sleep after hard work.
(Andy Grove) Another advantage is that students can acquire more experiences and polish their skills when taking part-time jobs. For example, if someone enjoys teaching, working part-time as a tutor may help him or her improve teaching skills and gain experiences.

(Peggy Gisler, Ed.S ) Student who takes part time job may sleep fewer hours,less exercise and eat on run. Moreover, they may experience stress with a difficult or time-consuming project. Also, it can endanger the health
(Steve Jobs)Part time job can help students develop their organizational and multi-tasking skills. They will have to get used to holding a job and attend the university simultaneously. It is the chance to learn time management,discipline and responsible.
(David Head)If student work in weekend, the start spending less time with their familes. They cannot spend entire day at the zoo or take a day trip to see their grandmother 

By: Rosa Maharani  

semoga bermanfaat..... <3

How to Write Curriculum Vitae


ketemu lagi deh sama aku.... nama aku rosa maharani umur aku 12 tahun.. hobi aku memasak.. ;D #LOL 

well kali ini aku mau coba post format curriculum vitae, buat kalian yang ada pendapat ataupun referensi lain yang membangun, monggo ikut serta di kolom komentar.... 

langsung aja ya !! here we go !!

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Full Name                   : Rosa Maharani
Nick Name                  : Rosa
Date Of Birth              : Kediri, January 6,1993
Gender                        : Female
Nationality                  : Indonesia
Marital Status              : Single
Address                       : Brajangan St. 46 Kediri
Contact                       : 0857-906-46-284
E-Mail                         : Maharanirosa1993@Gmail.Com

Educational Background
2011  -   Present                      : University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri
Degree/ Concentration            :English Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty
2008  -  2011                           : SMA N 1 Kandat
Degree/ Concentration            : Social Science Program
2005  -  2008                           : SMP N 1 Ngadiluwih
1999  -  2005                           : SD N 1 Pule

Professional Activity                        
20012 -  2014                         : English Tutor  at English Fun Learning
May 2013                                : Member of Research National  Seminar By Adnan Latief at Auditorium Hall of UNP Kediri
Working Experience
2010  -  2011                           : Operator at Java Net
2021  -  2013                           : Crew at  Mc. Donald’s Sri Ratu Kediri       

Language Proficiency                      
English            : Intermediate
Dutch              : Basic
Mandarin         : Basic
Malay              : Advance

Kediri, June 24, 2014

Rosa Maharani